This month's challenge is short and sweet...six words, to be exact. It comes to us courtesy of Ernest Hemingway, who famously wrote "For Sale - baby shoes, never worn". Now, we want you to craft a six word story about an object in your collection. Get the details here.
Remember - all you have to do is complete the task, and take a photo to share on social media - this can be a photo of your team doing the challenge, and/or whatever product happened to come from the challenge itself. Use the hashtag #creativityincubator - and post in the CI Community on FB, or on Twitter or Instagram - that’s it! Remember to tag GHHN and NYSCA in the posts so we can see them! (GHHN - Greater Hudson Heritage Network, @theGHHN, NYSCA - New York State Council on the Arts, @NYSCArts)
By Annette Goldmacher
October 2020