2025 Workshops
Quiet Dangers Workshop Series
Grant Info Workshops
Quiet Dangers Workshop Series
Grant Info Workshops
Grant Info Workshop
Thursday, March 6, 2025 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Wethersfield Estate & Garden, Amenia, NY FREE, but registration is required! Join GHHN, The Preservation League of New York State, and DHPSNY for this grant info workshop! Bring your questions and hear presentations on the grant funding and opportunities our organizations offer. GHHN will speak about the NYSCA/GHHN Conservation Grant Program, which offers conservation treatment, preservation supplies, and site assessments for three dimensional objects held in museums and cultural organizations in New York State. The Preservation League of New York State will speak about TAG (Technical Assistance Grants) and Preserve New York Grants - which fund planning studies and surveys of historic structures and landscapes. DHPSNY will speak about their Planning and Assessment Services and will be joined by the New York State Library and Archives to share funding opportunities for library and archival collections. The Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area/Hudson River Valley Greenway will also attend this event and will speak about their funding opportunities - including Sponsorships, Heritage Development Grants, Conservancy Trail Grants, and Community Planning Grants. The workshop is free, but registration is required. |
Quiet Dangers Workshop Series: Introduction to Quiet Dangers in the Historic House
March 11, 2025 9:30 AM- 4:30 PM Stephen Tilly, Architect Offices, Dobbs Ferry, NY/Odell House Rochambeau Headquarters, Hartsdale, NY GHHN Members $45/NonMembers $55 This workshop, co-presented by Stephen Tilly and Stephanie Reinert of Stephen Tilly, Architect. will provide an overview of some of the most common hazardous building materials that may be present in historic (and other existing) buildings that house museum collections, including asbestos-containing materials, lead paint, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and molds/mildew. The workshop will also address original building elements, later interventions, and other measures that typically have introduced these materials into the structures. The morning workshop presentation will include examples from preservation and renovation projects and/or other sources. In the afternoon, workshop participants will embark on a “Hard Hat” tour of the Odell House Rochambeau Headquarters in Hartsdale. The site is currently under construction and many of the materials, concepts, and challenges presented in the morning session have been encountered during the renovation. This ‘Hard Hat’ tour will allow participants to see first-hand the phases of a historic building renovation. The Preservation League of NYS will also attend this workshop and will give a brief overview of their available grant funding opportunities – including their Technical Assistance Grants which are offered in partnership with NYSCA, the Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area/Hudson River Valley Greenway, and the Robert David Lion Gardner Foundation. |
Grant Info Workshop
Monday, April 7, 2025 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Ithaca Downtown Conference Center, Ithaca, NY FREE, but registration is required! Attending the MANY Conference? Make sure to join GHHN, The Preservation League of New York State, and DHPSNY for this grant info workshop session on Monday afternoon! Bring your questions and hear presentations on the grant funding and opportunities our organizations offer. GHHN will speak about the NYSCA/GHHN Conservation Grant Program, which offers conservation treatment, preservation supplies, and site assessments for three dimensional objects held in museums and cultural organizations in New York State. The Preservation League of New York State will speak about TAG (Technical Assistance Grants) and Preserve New York Grants - which fund planning studies and surveys of historic structures and landscapes. DHPSNY will speak about their Planning and Assessment Services and will be joined by the New York State Library and Archives to share funding opportunities for library and archival collections. The Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area/Hudson River Valley Greenway will also attend this event and will speak about their funding opportunities - including Sponsorships, Heritage Development Grants, Conservancy Trail Grants, and Community Planning Grants. The workshop is free, but registration is required. |
Grant Info Workshop
Monday, June 9, 2025 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Kent DeLord House Museum, Plattsburgh, NY Join GHHN, The Preservation League of New York State, and DHPSNY for this grant info workshop session! Bring your questions and hear presentations on the grant funding and opportunities our organizations offer. GHHN will speak about the NYSCA/GHHN Conservation Grant Program, which offers conservation treatment, preservation supplies, and site assessments for three dimensional objects held in museums and cultural organizations in New York State. The Preservation League of New York State will speak about TAG (Technical Assistance Grants) and Preserve New York Grants - which fund planning studies and surveys of historic structures and landscapes. DHPSNY will speak about their Planning and Assessment Services and will be joined by the New York State Library and Archives to share funding opportunities for library and archival collections. The workshop is free, but registration is required. |
Quiet Dangers Workshop Series: Working Safely with Hazardous Museum Collections
Wednesday, June 18, 2025 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM Akin Free Library, Pawling, NY This one-day workshop, presented by conservators Rachael Arenstein and Kerith Koss Schrager, will focus on the identification of and safe management of hazardous collections. An array of quiet dangers may be contained within collections housed in museums, archives and historic homes. Some items may be inherently dangerous, like radioactive materials and other items may have been treated with hazardous chemicals over the years like heavy metal pesticides applied to taxidermy. These materials are not always obvious, but they can pose serious risks for collection care and the people caring for collections. Whether a curator, collections manager, registrar or conservator, this workshop will arm participants with the essential tools and knowledge to tackle the hidden dangers that may be lurking in your collection—while ensuring the safety of staff and visitors. The workshop will use the exhibits at the host museum as well as examples from the participants to discuss real-world scenarios commonly seen in cultural heritage contexts. The Akin Free Library boasts an impressive collection: the natural history collection features hundreds of entomological specimens (including examples from the Acherontia genus of moths, the so-called “death’s head” hawkmoths), a wide variety of taxidermy birds and mammals (including a roseate spoonbill, a bobcat, and a bald eagle), and an extensive geological collection. |
Quiet Dangers Workshop Series: Working Safely with Hazardous Museum Collections
September/October 2025 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM Museum Village, Monroe, NY This one-day workshop, presented by conservators Rachael Arenstein and Kerith Koss Schrager, will focus on the identification of and safe management of hazardous collections. An array of quiet dangers may be contained within collections housed in museums, archives and historic homes. Some items may be inherently dangerous, like radioactive materials and other items may have been treated with hazardous chemicals over the years like heavy metal pesticides applied to taxidermy. These materials are not always obvious, but they can pose serious risks for collection care and the people caring for collections. Whether a curator, collections manager, registrar or conservator, this workshop will arm participants with the essential tools and knowledge to tackle the hidden dangers that may be lurking in your collection—while ensuring the safety of staff and visitors. The workshop will use the exhibits at the host museum as well as examples from the participants to discuss real-world scenarios commonly seen in cultural heritage contexts. The collection at Museum Village includes taxidermy, natural history specimens (including a mastodon), and the Vernon Drug Store, which holds collections that cover a brief history of medicine in the early 20th century, which are still contained in the pharmaceutical bottles on display. |